Beaded Window Blinds

When not sewing I spend a lot of my time restoring and painting the original sash windows in my home. They really are a labour of love and when finished it seems only right that they should be fitted with beautiful blinds and curtains……with beaded fringes.

These are such an easy addition to the bottom edge of any blind. Simply choose some beads of any size to complement the fabric. Measure the width of your blind and divide by the total number of beads you wish to apply to give a spacing measurement. Using a double thickness of sewing thread make a small stitch in the edge of the fabric and sew on your bead. Run your needle the required distance along the inner edge of the blind then attach the next bead, and the next…...

To attach large beads pass your needle and thread through the centre of the bead and then through a seed bead before threading your needle back through the large bead and making a couple of stitches in the edge of the fabric to hold it in place. The seed bead will act as an anchor, allowing the beads to hang straight and avoiding the thread showing.

Experiment, it would be great to see where your creativity takes you!

Beaded Window Blinds.jpg

A Peek into the Design Process


French Sampler