We All Have to Start Somewhere

It seems so long since I last posted. The children’s exams, a lot of building work at home and a glorious summer holiday have all contrived to swallow up time.

This morning I decided to make a start on clearing my daughter’s bedroom before redecorating. This sampler was tucked away on the wall to her bathroom and I just had to share it as it is such a wonderful reminder of how I learned to love stitching.

I was ten years old and we were on a family holiday to France. I remember very clearly visiting a little sewing shop in the local town and being quite determined to spend my pocket money on the kit. There was then the rather tedious task of blanket stitching the edge of the fabric before I was left to my own devices. I think I started in the middle, as the design fits the fabric,  but the cross stitches are all pointing in different directions!
No matter, the finished sampler looks fine from a distance and was a fabulous launch into a lifetime love of sewing – so have a go and don’t worry about the mistakes.

First Sampler.jpg

You Know You Are a Maker When …


Do I Unpick or Just Start Again?